Centennial Branding

VSU Centennial Branding

As the university approaches its 100th founding anniversary, we shall adopt a set of guidelines which will be known as the VSU Centennial Branding. These guidelines include the use of the VSU Centennial Logo and the unification of logos and designs of university units.

The VSU Centennial Logo

Introducing the VSU Centennial Logo

VSU’s Centennial Logo made by Mr. Renante Tomas, homegrown logo artist, was unveiled on April 27, 2019, during VSU’s 95th Anniversary. The shape of the number 1 is inspired by our Obelisks. The pattern of triangles is a salute to Mount Pangasugan, our iconic ViSCA architecture. The logo shall be incorporated into VSU’s graphic designs starting 2022, as we near our Centennial Year. The guidelines for its use shall be developed by the VSU Integrated Media Center.

The VSU Centennial Logo unveiling during the 95th Anniversary Celebration on April 27, 2019

Designs and Patterns for New Unit Logos

Integral to the Centennial Branding is re-unifying the design sense of the university and its units. This is one of the key objectives for the creation of this Brand Book. Truth be told, in ViSCA times, there was a guideline of sorts that reflected in how department logos were developed.

When ViSCA became Leyte State University and departments were promoted to colleges, there didn’t appear to be guidelines when the new units updated their logos.

Towards the centennial, we are hereby adopting these Centennial Branding guidelines for units to update logos (both logomarks and logotexts) to unify how VSU and its units are presented both internally and externally.

General Provisions

VSU offices shall have their appropriate logo/s based on their classification:


Logomarks are graphic or visual representations of a unit. Logomarks must be flat shapes or complex polygons that symbolize the office using simple graphics. The unit has the freedom to decide on which symbols to use for their logo mark, although it is recommended to limit to 2-3 elements for clarity.

All logomarks must come in three versions: complex, simple, and black-and-white.

For academic units, logomarks must be distinguishable between colleges and departments/institutes by an outer ring. The thickness of the ring and the space  inside between shall each be 1/10 the radius of the circle it encloses. Departments may adopt versions of their logomarks in a circle, a circular outline, or no circle.

Non-academic units may adopt logomarks enclosed in a soft-rounded square, reminiscent of the old ViSCA logo. This is to distinguish it from academic units. The roundness of the curve is approximately 1/6 of the length of the side of the square, but may vary depending on the design context.

Additionally, it may opt for an outlined version of the soft-rounded square, or no enclosure at all. In social media implementations, a circular form is allowed when the page uses a round profile photo.


A logotext is a textual representation of a unit or office, using the official heading typeface used by the university: Montserrat. VSU units may adopt logotexts of their full office name, acronym, and brand, depending on the context.

Full office names may be in one line (for shorter names) or stacks of two or three (for longer names). Keywords may be emphasized by making them bolder and bigger compared to the generic words (“Department of…”)

Office acronyms are in bold. However, these are recommended only for use when the design’s intended audiences are familiar with the acronym. Otherwise, the office brand name will be used.

The Office Brand Name is a simplified version of the office name or a widely understood reference to the academic field or nature of the office (like, “HR” for Office of the Director for Human Resources Management; or “Engineering” for the College of Engineering and Technology). The Brand Name is usually preceded by the name “VSU” or the VSU seal or brand logo. When the name “VSU” is used, “VSU” will be in bold, while the brand name will be in regular font. The unit brand names shall be discussed in the next chapter.

Logomark and Logotext Combinations

Logomarks and logotexts may be combined to visually represent VSU units and offices. Implementations that are not covered in this Brand Book shall be pending the approval of the University Integrated Media Center.

Effectivity and Adoption

These guidelines shall be adopted in the creation of new logos (both logomarks and logotexts) and updating of existing logos of VSU units, done after the approval of this Brand Book. Meanwhile, all existing unit logos (with BOR, UADCO or Unit Approval) may be used only until March 2023. By the 99th anniversary of VSU (April 27, 2023), all logos of VSU units must follow the implementing guidelines and procedures as it shall be documented in the VSU Quality Management System. 

The VSU Integrated Media Center shall be in-charge of the Centennial Branding guidelines and procedures.