Branding Elements

VSU Colors

The VSU colors are green and gold. Green is the color of nature, and it signifies a freshness of approach in academic ventures, including production or collaboration. Gold, on the other hand, is also a color of agriculture, specifically during harvest (corn, rice, etc.) and it signifies rich resources and bold achievements because of excellence in all its endeavors.

All VSU materials using green and gold shall use the following specific colors depending on the material used. Materials meant to be printed shall use the CMYK or Pantone colors, while graphics that will only be used for web shall use the HEX colors. Academic units may adopt colors for use internally to represent its academic color (e.g., maroon for engineering). However, the university colors shall prevail for public representations of the university. The use of specific colors and how it interacts with the standard VSU colors shall be governed by a QMS Guideline and Procedure when the need arises.


The university uses a set of typefaces to express itself in various ways, depending on the context. To give a uniform look, the following fonts must be used. The italic and bold styles are used sparingly.

Montserrat shall be used in titles, headers, and cover pages. The Semibold version is the most preferred. Bold and regular versions may also be used. This is also recommended for use in document headers.

Roboto shall be used in paragraph text. The regular version is employed in most texts. Bold and italics are only used for emphasis. Recommended for use in documents.

Trajan Sans shall be used in lieu of Montserrat for more formal graphic implementations.

Galada shall be used in special cases, for letterings, and titles of festive occasions (e.g., festivals, anniversary, celebratory announcements).

Arial may be alternatively used for internal documents. However, Roboto shall be preferred whenever possible.

Times New Roman is used in thesis manuscripts, and in some documents and learning materials, like when equations are displayed. This classic typeface is limited only to these use cases and shall not be used for branding purposes.